Sunday, August 1, 2010

Being Frank

I heard someone say once that when you are in your 20's you care about what everyone thinks about you. Once you reach your 30's you don't care what anyone thinks about you. And by the time you reach your 40's, you realize that no one was really thinking all that much about you.

At the age of 37, maybe I'm a little ahead of the curve, because I'm guessing that most people (except my immediate and extended family of course) don't give me a whole heck-of-a-lot of thought on a regular basis...and I'm really pretty okay with that.

But even so, we ARE living in a Facebook and Twitter world...a world where we can have a range of virtual relationships with people whom we have no idea what is really going on in their lives...but we sure are excited when they release their latest most embarrassing moment or post an album of their children whom we've never met.